It's been a while

It's been a while

My last post was way back in late July and I basically had a mad rush prepping things until the baby arrived and then… the baby arrived, and sleep was out the window! It's been a wild ride but we're really enjoying the new challenge and it's one that has given me a bit of perspective in the work I do, and it's not the first time - I had a serious accident overseas a few years which really opened my eyes to making sure I could take care of myself if anything unexpected should happen, it showed me the importance of having a “defensive plan”. 

Now with our own little family here in Wellington it's that same feeling again highlighting the importance of the advice I give clients and prospective clients. To really listen to what they want from products like Life Insurance, and help them understand that I request so much information so I can build their “defensive plan” to support their goals and vision for the future.

I'm fizzing for 2021, there is so much work to do with the financial services industry going through massive changes, new regulations, and new licensing frameworks to be implemented. The cowboy days are over and delivering value, trust, and expertise to clients will lead to NZ closing the gap on our under-insured population.

I sound like a broken record here but the public's lack of understanding of insurance (also many of personal financing principles) and limitations of the public systems for support and healthcare are big reasons why New Zealanders are uninsured. When you don’t understand something it will be hard to trust the person or business you are seeking help from, unless they educate you. This is something I really strive for and I am always thinking about ways I can build that trust with my clients and education has always been at the forefront (see my Insurance Basics Guide here).

A big part of building trust is transparency. That's why I've made the decision to disclose the details of the commission rates I earn from my providers whenever I make recommendations to clients or prospective clients. I want them to see what I'm getting out of this process and I want the accountability to provide, at a minimum, that level of value to them.

I sense the tide turning as I see more content created by Kiwis on personal financing every week, which means it must be consumed by Kiwis. That appetite for financial independence and success will lead to people seeking out insurance, a defensive plan to match their offensive plan. Education and trust will be front of mind whenever the phone rings or the laptop bings with a family in need of my help.

Oh yeah, our website has had a face lift so now you can get the process started online!

Insurance and your kids

Insurance and your kids

Underinsured NZ - Why are we risking our life, health and income?

Underinsured NZ - Why are we risking our life, health and income?