My AIA Vitality Journey 2023

I’ve been a AIA Vitality member from the get go in NZ, and had achieved Platinum status each year… until 2022. There were a few obstacles in the way but I still should have got there but this was probably the wake up call I needed. For 2023 I am going to make advantage of everything that AIA Vitality has to offer and will document my journey here on this page.

I have recommended many of my clients take up AIA Vitality and I want to spend this year to take you on a journey with this great product and beyond. Doing all you can to keep on top of your health in the first place is the best line of defense and should really be part of your “risk mitigation plan” with insurance for those unavoidable moments. With AIA Vitality you can make the later part a lot cheaper by proving you are taking control of your health.


My Plan for 2023

Each month I will have a target or goal and I will cover this in a blog linked in the feature below. Also for all of 2023 I am tasking myself with hitting the weekly target of XXXX points, previously I have hit it every and only remember to actually select my benefits every so often. When I do it is just put the $5 voucher towards my Air Points. Not a great motivator.

This year, I will hit it every week and give the rewards to


Vitality Health Check - First Check

In this section I will details my experience going through the Life Pharmacy checks which will do twice this year, once in January and once on December to check how doing all the activities I can in Vitality throughout the year can benefit me and the results of all these tests and measurements.


Organised Events

Coming Soon